Organizations and Projects Funded
Puget Sound Foursquare: Tacoma, WA
Back to School Jam School Supplies - $15000
Commencement Bay Music Educators Association: Tacoma, WA
Festival Fees for Student Musicians - $2000
Tacoma Public Schools: Tacoma, WA
Arlington Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support, Class Books - $1300
Birney Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support and Books - $1500
Edison Elementary School
Family Engagement Activities - $2500
Fawcett Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Gray Middle School
Thanksgiving Support, ASB Activities - $2000
Manitou Park Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support, Student Store Supplies and Awards, Winter Coats - $2000
Mary Lyon Elementary School
Rainy Day Recess Kits - $700
Mount Tahoma High School
3D Printer and Supplies, Choir Shirts - $2300
Roosevelt Elementary School
Coats and Shoes - $1000
Stanley Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Franklin Pierce Schools: Parkland, WA
Elmhurst Elementary School
LEGO Robotics Club - $1000
Boy Scout Troup #248 and New Life Foursquare Church: University Place, WA
Community Gaga Ball Pit Supplies (built for an Eagle Scout project) - $1000
Puget Sound Foursquare: Tacoma, WA
Back to School Jam School Supplies - $15000
Tacoma Public Schools: Tacoma, WA
Arlington Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support, PE and Music Equipment, Library and Class Books - $5650
Blix Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support and Books - $2000
Edison Elementary School
Calm Down Kits - $1000
Fawcett Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Gray Middle School
Music Class Supplies - $2500
Manitou Park Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support, Student Store Supplies and Awards - $2500
Puget Sound Foursquare: Tacoma, WA
Back to School Jam School Supplies, Backpacks, Day Camp Snacks - $21,500
Salvation Army: Tacoma, WA
Back to School Clothing for Kids - $3500
Tacoma Public Schools: Tacoma, WA
Arlington Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Birney Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support and Books - $2000
Blix Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Edison Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Fawcett Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Lister Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
Manitou Park Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support, Winter Coats, Student Awards - $2500
Mount Tahoma High School
Music Supplies - $1430
Roosevelt Elementary School
Thanksgiving Support - $1000
COVID 19 Relief: Tacoma, WA
Partnership with Puget Sound Foursquare and Foursquare Disaster Relief - $5000
Back to School Jam: Tacoma, WA
Lunch for Community Event - $3000
School Supplies/Stuff the Bus: Tacoma, WA
The Salvation Army - $2500
Arlington Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support, Music Supplies, Staff Equity Training, Safety Equipment - $2850
Edison Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support and Book Kits - $2000
Manitou Park Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support, Student Awards - $2750
Back to School Jam: Tacoma, WA
Lunch for Community Event - $2500
Simple Love Clothing Exchange: Tacoma, WA
New Undergarments for Clothing Bank - $1000
Puget Sound Foursquare: Tacoma, WA
Lunch for Community Event - $1000
Gray Middle School: Tacoma, WA
Youth Legislature Scholarships, Thanksgiving Support - $4000
Arlington Elementary: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support, Curriculum, Science Camp Scholarships - $2000
Edison Elementary: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support - $2000
Manitou Park Elementary: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Support, Science Center Presentation, Student of the Month Awards - $1565
Simple Love Clothing Exchange: Tacoma, WA
Operations/Organizational Supplies - $325
Puget Sound Foursquare and Redeem Church: Tacoma, WA
Mt. Tahoma High School Football Feeds - $2000
Edison Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly by Broadway Center - $750
Arlington Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Math Manipulatives and Social/Emotional Curriculum - $1000
Manitou Park Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Student of the Month Awards, Meals for Mentor Nights - $685
Arlington Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Meals for Families - $500
Edison Elementary School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Meals for Families - $500
Gray Middle School: Tacoma, WA
Thanksgiving Meals for Families - $500
Puget Sound Foursquare: Tacoma, WA
Holiday Hope - $4100